8 Ways We Self-sabotage Positive Change




You know the drill. You want to make a change but there is some part of you resisting. Subconsciously we try to move away from what we think is uncomfortable, and towards what is comfortable. If we on some level think that the change is going to be more uncomfortable than the gains of changing, then we will sabotage ourselves from making the change even if it is completely illogical that we do so.Lies we tell ourselves that hold us back:

1. “I know that, but it´s hard?”

Yes it is hard as long as that is the vibration you we are sending out. What we focus on we get more of. And if we have not made the change completely yet, how could we really know that it´s hard?


2. “I can´t forgive the past”

Yes you can, but you send out that you can´t. The question is if you are really willing. When you forgive you are cutting the energy cords that hold you prisoner in past experiences. That doesn´t mean that what happened was OK, it was not. However, it has already happened, no need to re-live the past or hold on to it.


3. “I have forgiven the persons/situation, but I´m still bitter/angry/sad”

Then you have not really forgiven. There is more work to do. Do forgiveness meditations, affirmations, EFT forgiveness videos, educate yourself, read books on forgiveness, etc. Really be willing to do the work. See a skilled NLP practitioner, EFT practitioner, Regression Therapist or a coach. Do something you have not done before! There are always solutions.


4. “I don´t have time to take care of myself, there is to much happening in my life”

Yes if that is your focus than you´ll never have time. We all have time to the things we make important. Make it important, make it your most important mission to raise your vibration and become the master of your life.


Concept conceptual 3D human man or businessman as black silhouet

5. “What will other people say of I change?”

Other peoples opinion is not your business. And don´t worry, they are using their time worrying what you think of them. Move on, you are here to be you, and there is only one you. So go for it. Be an inspiration!


6.”Isn´t it egoistic to take care of myself before others?” Is it?

If you deplete yourself to the point were you can´t even get out of bed (I know a couple of them). How much good can you do to those you love then? Isn´t it more egoistic to be “people pleasing”? When you take care of yourself you have more to give others, because then you give freely without the need for approval. Period.


7. I am afraid he/she won´t approve of me”

On some level we are afraid of ending up alone, but do we really need approval to become more happy, free and loving? More passionate and enthusiastic? If we make a change for the better and people around would´t approve…Let them go. Yes that might not be as easy as it sounds, but if you don´t let them go they will suck the energy out of you. Most relationship are not meant to last forever. Maybe you´ve had the experience of really connecting with somebody and formed a close friendship/relationship, and over time it just faded. Well, that is natural. If you can´t let them go (mostly family), then you may find a way to be less around their presence. Just cut the time you are spending with them, and at the same time start focusing on their positive sides, there is always something there.


8. “I don´t believe I can”

Your brain, heart and cells receive that thought and send out the vibration of it. So what happens? It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You are lying to yourself and believing it! You CAN do it!


Thoughts = Vibration

Our thoughts are vibration. Each thought creates a specific vibration. What we vibrate as individuals sends ripples in the collective vibration of humanity. That means that YOU ARE IMPORTANT! YOU MATTER! Step up, let go of that shit from the past, forgive and release – it is time to shine our light and live our true purpose. Do what it takes. You are not alone. We are together. We are one. Find out how you want your life to be. Decide and commit to follow your vision. Persevere until you live it.

You can find a lot of helpful videos on our youtube channel which can help you on your journey to self-mastery. Educate yourself on the process of self-mastery.  You can do it, and you know it!

Take care of yourself dear Soul. You are valuable. You are worthy. You are more than enough.

From the Heart,
Kenneth Soares

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Thank you for being here. I´m Kenneth, a Loving Soul, here to learn, teach and shine my Light. I am co-creator of PowerThoughts Meditation Club. My life purpose is to be of service and support in the Awakening process here on Mother Earth. I do so with Love and Enthusiasm, with Courage and Kindness, with Power and Integrity. I AM a 'consciousness expander and a heart-activator. We are here to WAKE UP and take full charge and responsibility for our lives, so that all Organic and Loving Lifeforms can co-create a world of UNITY, LOVE, PEACE, AND FREEDOM. I hope you´ll get something valuable out of the energy and information I share with you. From heart to heart...From Soul to Soul...

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