Increase your emotional stability easily with this simple trick!

Increase your emotional stability easily with this simple trick!

 The questions we ask ourselves controls the quality of our lives. Through the use of power questions (afformations) and affirmations, individuals can effectively initiate a re-pattering process, whereby habitual emotional patterns underlying…

The role of the EGO

The role of the EGO

"The Ego's role is to protect you, but it takes itself too seriously at times" A dear friend (Karen England), once said this to me. It made me think about what this…

The PINEAL GLAND & symbol of manifestation – The SRI YANTRA

The PINEAL GLAND & symbol of manifestation – The SRI YANTRA

      The Sri Yantra is a 12,000 year old symbol and is considered the mother of all Yantras. Yantras are geometrical designs based on the principles of sacred geometry and are used…

A series of questions to achieve SELF MASTERY

A series of questions to achieve SELF MASTERY

The Law of Attraction suggests that 'energy flows where attention goes', and that we can energetically create circumstances based on our where we focus our attention. Enlightenment is said to be achievable…

The effect of MANTRAS

The effect of MANTRAS

Everything is composed of waveforms of energy - effectively sound waves - and the impact of sound on matter is well known. From certain music affecting our moods, to NASA experimenting with acoustical…

How to boost your confidence with easy body language anyone can do!

How to boost your confidence with easy body language anyone can do!

  Did you know that higher levels of testosterone in your body leads to increased feelings of confidence? Yup, in both women and men! Lower levels of cortisol leads to decreased anxiety…

A Message from the PLEIADIANS

A Message from the PLEIADIANS

As humans, we can only see 2.3% of the electromagnetic spectrum. This article is based on the knowledge that we know very little about the Universe, its' beings and alternative life forms.…

Angel Protection Ritual – Protect yourself & your home from negative energies

Angel Protection Ritual – Protect yourself & your home from negative energies

  Do you feel drained at times? Do you have people around you that seem to suck your life-force out of you? Are you sensitive to other peoples emotions? Do you easily…

ACCEPTANCE – the key to Abundance

ACCEPTANCE – the key to Abundance

What we Resist, Persists - Carl Jung Modern day science has shown that all things in the cosmos are comprised of energy. Both the seen and the unseen are, in their purest…