Friday the 13th – The True Vibrational Meaning of That Day


Friday, your 13th day, that you have all, or quite a bit of your civilization, placed so much emphasis upon this idea of 13. The idea we have observed sometimes seems to be discomforting for many individuals in your society. Now we do recognize that numbers, mathematics, represent vibrations, represent the idea of energy, and we do recognize that the mathematical thirteen does represent change, transformation. That is the dynamic of that particular mathematical frequency. Now each and every one of you instinctively know this. You understand that thirteen represents transformation and change, and we perceive that one of the reasons many of you have associated a negative connotation to this is because of some of the institutions that have existed in your civilization over time that were in fear of getting in touch with certain doorways of consciousness, certain avenues of existence that represented to many of them things that they thought were negative, or in your terms, evil.


Contacting other dimensions of reality

The idea really is simply that you instinctively understand that the dynamic of thirteen allows you to contact other levels of yourself, other dimensions of reality, other beings of consciousness and when you remove the structures of the institutions that have determined on your planet that these things are somehow negative, you can open up some freedom to explore the whole concept of psychic phenomenology, spirit reality and dimensions of existence without necessarily assuming that you must just by definition, just by association, attract something negative, or as you say, evil, into your reality.The idea simply is is that because your society has been for thousands of years a society of limitation and segregation and separation and suppression, no offense, the idea of contact in something that would expand you, would allow you to come in closer contact with other levels of etheric energy and spiritual consciousness, was deemed to be only the realm of the infinite and was deemed to be something that your individual society should not, as you say, mess around with. But the idea now as you have matured as a society can be seen to be simply one of fear and you can remove that fear and recognize that you have every right to explore the realms of consciousness on all levels, to explore the realm of spirituality in any way, shape or form you so desire and see fit because you ARE spirit.


You are spirit expressing yourself in physiological terms

Anything you’re going to find if you explore the idea of transformation, anything you’re going to find if you explore the levels and dimensions of consciousness that are available to you, is simply going to be another aspect of you. The only thing that would attract to you, as we have said many times, those ideas that are negative or fear-inducing, is if you go into the exploration with fear to begin with, because, again as you know, like vibration to like vibration. What you put out is what you get back. So we invite you, on your own terms, to allow yourself to recognize that your number of thirteen is actually a number that represents your ability to open many doorways to new experiences and new insights of yourself, no matter how you choose to explore them, and do not bring with you into that exploration the fears that have not served you, that you have held onto for thousands of years, but go forth in the exploration of your own inner spirituality and the creation of your outer reality undaunted by your past assumptions and open and willing to redefine yourselves as you now wish to, as you now desire to, as you now want your reality to be, so it will be if you forward with that attitude.We would also remind you that change and transformation is really just about the only constant that exists within Creation anyway.


Everything changes all the time

Change is really the true stability. Not static, but change– dynamic change is how you are stable, most stable, most consistent, most easily capable of flowing and manifesting. Change. Be willing to change. Invite the change. There will be a few things that will appear from time to time in your realities to be consistent or continuous, but again, even if it appears that that is so, everything is still changing. One moment is never the same as the next. Invite that, allow it, be willing to accept it, for when you do you will find that you will be capable of having your reality change through you more easily, instead of fighting those changes, instead of resisting those changes, which are only opportunities to see another facet of yourself anyway. That’s all, again, all you’re ever going to discover in any change is simply another side of you, more of yourself, more of the total being, the total consciousness you actually are, now that you are beginning to get a hint that you are more than just this physiological being, that you really contain a lot of aspects and facets of the infinite, even as physical beings, and that you really are in total, a facet of the infinite, as a spiritual being, as a consciousness, a reflection of All That Is.

Now then, this many times will sound like wonderful philosophy, but again remember, we understand you live in a physical reality and thus these ideas must be applied as you say practically and pragmatically to your day to day existence, so let us move forward in this exchange and explore for whoever wants to explore, the idea of how such concepts can in fact be rendered down into physiological formats so that you can get an effect that lets you know in physical reality that the changes you make within your idea of yourself do in fact result in actual changes in your day to day physical existence.

Thank you Bashar for sharing your teachings freely with us all. You are appreciated.

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I am Divine Light working through a physical body and so are you. Soul purpose: spread wisdom and Universal truth with the intention to help brothers and sister with the awakening of consciousness and raise vibration. To help and support in the transformation process, from darkness to light. I Love You. I Thank you.

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