ACCEPTANCE – the key to Abundance

What we Resist, Persists

– Carl Jung

Modern day science has shown that all things in the cosmos are comprised of energy. Both the seen and the unseen are, in their purest and most basic form, comprised of this same energy. Everything is energy in motion, including our bodies, our minds and everything around us, and energy flows where our attention goes. The quality of your consciousness creates projected wave forms of energy, the intensity of which is determined by your individual choices, based on and determined by the quality of consciousness you are choosing for yourself. In other words, what we choose to focus on, on a consistent basis, is exactly what manifests.

Do we know what we are focussing on? Are we aware of our minds? Do we listen to the signs our bodies are constantly giving us? How often do we get caught up in negative thought patterns, or worry revolved around what we DON’T want? This flow of energy has the ability to create exactly what we pay attention to, whether it be what we do or what we don’t want.

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Doing is a physical effect that creates a knock on effect on other aspects of our life…being is the underlying cause that transcends the physical which transmutes into what we do. In other words, our states of being will impact our doing and what materialises in our lives via the medium of action i.e. what we think – we become. Our chosen way of ‘being’ affects the quality of our ‘doing’ which in turn impacts the quality of the tangible results in our lives. Therefore our states of being/our mindsets determine our individual physical experience.

If, for example, we are concerned about debt, we may spend a lot of time, energy and focus on how much debt is negatively affecting us, and this in turn creates a negative spiral/focal point of energy creating more of a financial problem. It may be obvious that when we shift our focus from “I wish I didn’t have debt” to “I am going to earn more money”, we align ourselves in an empowering way to work towards the solution, rather than focussing on the problem. This in itself creates a powerhouse for change and we have the ability to then attract what we want. We change the IMPOSSIBLE to I’M POSSIBLE which allows us to shift our energy towards our goals, just through a change in mindset – just through a choice.


The outside world is a direct reflection of our minds. The Universe is constantly showing us where our energy is focussed. Believe it or not, every perceived problem in your life is sustained by YOU. Every success in life is also created by YOU. It is not a means of punishment or reward, it is a focal point of energy; a state of being that attracts and manifests your reality. We draw problems to ourselves which address a particular aspect within us that requires attention. When we pay attention, we enable growth and abundance. In order to create an energetic change to benefit us, we must be aware of what our predominant thinking patterns are and where our mental focus is.

So how does Acceptance allow for Abundance?

Acceptance is our true nature, a form of surrender, freely provided to each one of us from the moment we are born, and resistance is a learned trait that we adopt throughout our lives due to self limiting and self sabotaging beliefs. (See the most common self defeating beliefs that affect our lives HERE)

When we accept ourselves and our situations we give ourselves the room for a shift in mindset and a change in our consciousness. The field of energy around us, which scientists refer to as the infinite field of probability contains within itself every conceivable outcome, and by the process of acceptance we have the ability to re-focus on the outcomes that we want. What determines the outcomes that you personally experience is based on the waveforms that YOU choose to project which transmute into particles of matter creating the conditions and circumstances that make up each and every aspect of your life. (Check out the science HERE)

When we accept life as it comes, we surrender to the ‘way’ of life – (or Tao in Chinese Philosophy – which means the ‘way’ ‘path’ or ‘route’). When we accept that struggles are an inherent part of life providing us with valuable lessons to learn, we change our energetic state from a restricted one to an expanded one; from a victim mindset to an empowered one; from resistance to acceptance, and therefore provide ourselves with the conditions necessary for abundance to enter into our lives.


Without the dark, we would never see the stars 

The Chinese concept of Yin and Yang describes how opposite or contrary forces are actually complementary, interconnected and interdependent (The ‘good’ with the ‘bad’), and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Many tangible dualities (such as light and dark, fire and water, expanding and contracting) are thought of as physical manifestations of the duality symbolized by yin and yang too. This concept of duality can also be applied to life in general and the ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ can be considered vital conditions of the ‘WAY’. In essence, the ups and downs of life are constants – it is how we REACT to them that determines the outcome of our lives.

How to practice ACCEPTANCE:

1. Listen to your body and become aware of your regular negative thinking patterns. Meditation is a great way to do this. (Check out a guided one HERE)

2. Accept Responsibility for the undesirable situations that occur in your life. Understand that it is a result of your choices and actions that are and have been creating them.

3. Take strong, determined action to consciously change the way you think about and perceive each situation that you experience. Develop the willingness to change and the desire to remove blocks that we create for ourselves, towards the road of abundance.

4. Develop the understanding that ALL things that happen in your life work together for your good. Understand that life gives you what is necessary for your growth, regardless of what they appear to be based on your current perception. By doing this you are taking a huge step in eliminating the very resistance that is creating them, which in turn neutralizes the negative, empowering you to overcome them.

5. Develop an attitude of GRATITUDE. See the cup as half full, not half empty. This allows for expansion in your mindset from which place we can refocus our energies on what we do want, not what we don’t.


‘Surrender to what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be’

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Risha Joshi

Hi everyone, My name is Risha Joshi and I am a team member, editor and writer for PowerThoughts Meditation Club. I am an avid fan of meditation and strongly believe in the benefits gained by adopting it into our daily lives. I believe we are all connected beings, on a spiritual and evolutionary journey. From a young age I have felt a strong urge to help those who suffer from the consequences of negative thinking patterns. As a part-time Dentist, I apply and teach meditation techniques to my patients. I greatly enjoy helping them to overcome their fears, as well as equipping them with the courage to face their experience. My mission: To help and empower people so that they may see their abundant personal power and potential, in the hope that we may all realise our connection to everything and everyone. If you are reading my articles...I hope that they achieve just that for you. We are One. Namaste. Visit me at

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