Risha Joshi

Hi everyone, My name is Risha Joshi and I am a team member, editor and writer for PowerThoughts Meditation Club. I am an avid fan of meditation and strongly believe in the benefits gained by adopting it into our daily lives. I believe we are all connected beings, on a spiritual and evolutionary journey. From a young age I have felt a strong urge to help those who suffer from the consequences of negative thinking patterns. As a part-time Dentist, I apply and teach meditation techniques to my patients. I greatly enjoy helping them to overcome their fears, as well as equipping them with the courage to face their experience. My mission: To help and empower people so that they may see their abundant personal power and potential, in the hope that we may all realise our connection to everything and everyone. If you are reading my articles...I hope that they achieve just that for you. We are One. Namaste. Visit me at www.rishajoshi.com

The symbology behind SHIVA

The symbology behind SHIVA

Coming from a Hindu background, I grew up listening to stories of…

The role of the EGO

The role of the EGO

"The Ego's role is to protect you, but it takes itself too…

The PINEAL GLAND & symbol of manifestation – The SRI YANTRA

The PINEAL GLAND & symbol of manifestation – The SRI YANTRA

      The Sri Yantra is a 12,000 year old symbol…

A series of questions to achieve SELF MASTERY

A series of questions to achieve SELF MASTERY

The Law of Attraction suggests that 'energy flows where attention goes', and…

The effect of MANTRAS

The effect of MANTRAS

Everything is composed of waveforms of energy - effectively sound waves - and…

A Message from the PLEIADIANS

A Message from the PLEIADIANS

As humans, we can only see 2.3% of the electromagnetic spectrum. This…

ACCEPTANCE – the key to Abundance

ACCEPTANCE – the key to Abundance

What we Resist, Persists - Carl Jung Modern day science has shown…

10 common SELF DEFEATING BELIEFS that are affecting your life

10 common SELF DEFEATING BELIEFS that are affecting your life

The decisions we make in life are heavily dependent upon our perspectives…

The Science behind CHAKRAS

The Science behind CHAKRAS

CHAKRAS. What are they? Do they really exist? What do they mean…