Mind-blowing benefits of meditation (Backed by science)


There are over 3000 scientific studies on the benefits of meditation.


Meditation is an approach used to train the mind, similar to the way that fitness is an approach to training the body. There are many benefits of practising meditation regularly which extend into improved quality of life and enhanced state of mind. It is also an excellent way to train your mind to stay in the present moment, rather than living in the past or future too much. As OSHO says:

‘If you are always thinking about the future, then even when the future comes, it comes as the present…you will miss the future too!’

Here are some of the scientifically proven benefits of meditation: 

Benefits-of-Meditation-InfographicSource:  http://liveanddare.com/benefits-of-meditation/

How to meditate: Simple meditation for beginners:

1. Sit or lie comfortably in a place where you feel safe and relaxed.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Simply breathe deeply and naturally.

4. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Notice your chest, shoulders, rib cage and belly. Feel the sensation of breathing. Simply focus your attention on your breath. If your mind wanders, simply return your focus back to your breathing. Feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed and entering a meditative state of mind.


Check out some guided meditations HERE


(Thank you Risha Joshi for helping me with this article)

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Alexander Soares

I am an infinite being, incarnated here to assist planet Earth's spiritual ascension. I am LOVE. My name is Alexander. I am co-creator and team member of Powerthoughts meditation club, on the pursuit of raising the vibrations of this planet. I love to connect. To connect with people, myself, the Universe, nature, animals and YOU. My spiritual journey began when I decided not to live as a prisoner of negative thoughts and emotions, and turned my life around. I became more aware of my own energy and how I could raise it and use it to create and manifest. Through the teaching of spiritual masters and meditation I changed my thought and behavioral patterns, and started living a more positive and happy life. I'm grateful everyday. Now a few years later, I'm a certified EFT therapist and a NLP Master Coach and re-connective healer. Everyday I work on raising my own as well as the planets vibration. Life purpose: Observe, learn, love, grow, teach & create Infinite love.

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