So we made it! The end of the year. whether it was miserable, positive, sad, lonely or amazing, we are here at the start of a new year. Forever grateful to be blessed on this earth another day. I love the idea of a new years resolution although I believe that they limit you to what you can do by placing too much pressure upon yourself. Society has lost sight of the process in itself rather than making a list of everything you want for the year to come, look at an area you want to improve or need to fix in your life, commit to what you really want to do and do it.
Feel free to read out loud these affirmations as many times as you need.
2017 is the year where you are the best version of yourself possible. Let go of all that has not served you this year, now is always the right time. It is impossible for you to feel unhappy if you are constantly present, 2017 is the year to live in the present. Regrets from the previous year and constantly looking back is just going to hold you back. 2017 is the year for you to be grateful. Gratitude is one of the most powerful law of attraction exercises, it raises your vibration and brings you into harmony with the energy of the universe. 2017 is the year for forgiveness, by holding on to negative emotions your subconsciously surrounding your whole self with negativity, constantly clinging to that bitter feeling of dislike and anger.
Remember we are all one.
Wishing you a blessed abundant new year.
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