Negativity is your FRIEND

Oh dear, what on Earth am I talking about? Give me 5 minutes and I will explain.

You read correctly…NEGATIVITY is your FRIEND.

This topic will certainly raise some eyebrows, as virtually every scripture, teaching, institute and religion would possibly disagree with my statement. Surely, the aim is to steer AWAY from negative emotion, people and circumstances? To adopt ‘good‘ traits and qualities for the betterment of yourself and others? So how does negativity allow for that goal to be achieved? What on earth am I talking about?! Well, although I agree with the utilisation of positive emotion to gain SUCCESS, and therefore agree with the majority of the teachings to some degree, I also welcome negativity as a teacher, a guide and a friend.




The Chinese symbol of Yin and Yang may be utilised as a teaching here. This symbol represents duality – the absolute necessity for light and dark, as well as the containment of the light within the dark and the dark within the light. It symbolises the extremes of life, whether it be extreme emotion, extreme possession, extreme joy or extreme consumption, as STATES residing side by side. The spinning circle highlights and represents motion, growth, balance and the wholeness of life, i.e. it has a Universal relevance.

Balance is the key to life. Without balance between the elements, planet earth would not exist; your internal chemistry would be disrupted leading to illness; your emotional state would be thrown off leading to unhappiness; your financial incomings and outgoings would be unbalanced leading to debt – balance is the KEY factor when it comes to gaining abundance. In addition to this, you can not achieve success without balance infiltrating every aspect of your life – after all – that is also a form of balance.

So what does this have to do with us?

Well, abundance is waiting for you and is totally within your reach, in the striving of balance – which means accepting negativity as much as you do positivity. But negative emotion has a way of losing your attention, kinda like those sunglasses you search everywhere for, which you finally find sitting on top of your head. When undetected, negative emotion can affect your balance and will DICTATE the direction of your life – towards imbalance and away from well being.

Practically, for instance, if a negative emotion makes you believe that money is a ‘bad‘ thing, you will steer away from getting it. Or, if you think you will never lose weight, you will not try to. Negativity has the ability to take you on a ride, in the least comfortable way.


Unless you LOOK at it.

What you believe about yourself and the world, whether it be positive or negative, will determine how your life looks and turns out. Seeing as negative emotion, like the dark in the yin and yang symbol, is an INNATE part of life, you may as well befriend it. In other words, let that visitor knocking persistently on the door, inside! Why? Because the negatives are necessary for your balance and therefore your success.

So how do you use negativity for your benefit?

Simply put:

Once you have identified the negative emotion sitting inside you, use it as a guide, reminding you of what you DO NOT WANT. Then redirect your focus, with greater intensity, on that which you DO want.


For example:

You are given a cold plate of food at your local restaurant expecting it to be hot. You may feel disappointment, which is a negative emotion. This negative feeling of disappointment GUIDES you toward what you really want – i.e. a hot plate of food. You ACT on the knowledge provided by your disappointment and call the waiter over to solve the problem. You finally get your hot cuisine and get stuck in! Objective = achieved.

Now, if it wasn’t for your feeling of disappointment, you may well have eaten the cold plate of food. This would mean that you would not have what you deserve, the restaurant standards fall and the place gets shut down. No more local Indian restaurant. Ok, I’m exaggerating slightly, but hopefully you get the idea! In this example, disappointment actually helped you.

So next time you feel a negative emotion, recognise it, look at it and ask it what it wants. This reveals what you desire and you can then head towards it. The key is not to stay in the place of negative emotion, but rather, to use it as your ally.

‘Embrace your dark side, it will make you whole’


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Master Manifestor Formula - RJ

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Risha Joshi

Hi everyone, My name is Risha Joshi and I am a team member, editor and writer for PowerThoughts Meditation Club. I am an avid fan of meditation and strongly believe in the benefits gained by adopting it into our daily lives. I believe we are all connected beings, on a spiritual and evolutionary journey. From a young age I have felt a strong urge to help those who suffer from the consequences of negative thinking patterns. As a part-time Dentist, I apply and teach meditation techniques to my patients. I greatly enjoy helping them to overcome their fears, as well as equipping them with the courage to face their experience. My mission: To help and empower people so that they may see their abundant personal power and potential, in the hope that we may all realise our connection to everything and everyone. If you are reading my articles...I hope that they achieve just that for you. We are One. Namaste. Visit me at

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