Wheels to the infinite YOU – Chakras

Understanding the chakras

There are many chakras in the human body  but 7 of those are considered to be the most important ones.
The chakras are not material reality, they are a form of energy moving in a circular energy pattern. The physical body is a manifestation of energy. The Chakra and the spine that connects them in the energy body is not physically visible it is a vibration of energy, vibrating energy creates magnetism and it is the magnetic force of the spine and the chakras that hold the physical body here. From the base of the spine to the top of the head, all chakras have to work together in balance for us to live our highest purpose.




Seven main Chakras and their uses

  • Root – Survival:  Also known as Muladhara, this is the first of the seven chakras. Located at the base of the spine the root chakra is linked to the spine, sexual organs and the kidneys. The color of the root chakra is Red and the sense linked to the root chakra is the sense of smell.  It is the chakra that represents stability and whose main aspect is innocence. 
  • Sacral – Sex: Also known as Swadhishtana, Located just below the navel and is connected to the bladder, the genitals, lower back and the hips to name a few. The color of the sacral chakra is orange and the sense linked to the Sacral chakra is taste. This energy is the center for creating relationships of  all kinds.  It is where we develop an inward sense of self and an outward awareness of others. Ego, sexuality, and family are defined as we work with this energy.
  • Solar Plexus Ego: Also known as Manipura and is located below the rib cage and just above the navel. The solar Plexus is connected to the Pancreas, stomach, liver and the gall-bladder. The colour for the Solar Plexus is yellow and the sense for this chakra is sight. This is the home of the ego and where your will to succeed comes from. It is the center that give us the sense of complete satisfaction and contentment.  Our creativity is fueled by our power of will.
  • Heart – Love: Also known as Anahata.  Located in the center of the chest and connected to the thymus, heart, liver, lungs and play’s a part in good blood circulation. This is the heart chakra and the center of real, unconditional affection, spiritual growth, compassion, devotion, forgiveness  and love. It is the bridge connecting the lower and higher energies of our being and is the place where our Spirit and our true Self is free and independent.  The Color for the Heart chakra is green and the sense is touch.
  • Throat – Expression: Also known as Vishuddha. Located in the throat and connected to the Thyroid gland, throat and upper lungs. The color of the throat chakra is blue and the sense is hearing. This is the center for communication, self-expression and creativity. This is where the inner voice of your truth is expressed. 
  • Third eye – Intiution: Also known as Ajna. Located on the forehead between the eyebrows. Indigo is the color that represents the third eye chakra and the sense is the Sixth sense. This is where intuition, fearlessness,  and the need to seek the truth lives. The opening of the third-eye corresponds with spiritual awakening. It is the chakra of forgiveness and compassion.
  • CrownSpiritual: Also known as sahasrara. The crown chakra is not located in the body but directly above the crown of our head. The color of this chakra is Purple. The crown is connected with the upper brain, the right eye and the pineal gland. This is where we find the universal source energy, spirituality and the disillusion of the ego. 
    This chakra represents the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment.  It is the connective center to spirit. This center integrates all the chakras with their respective qualities. 


Food for thought:
A good way of opening chakras is by wearing the color of which the chakra represents or  by eating naturally colored foods of the chakras. For example, A tomato would be good for your root chakra or  you could wear all blue if you want to be a better communicator. 


Benefits of your chakras being opened

Chakras are the doorway between your mental, emotional and physical bodies. Understanding your chakras and the chakra system is very important for your overall being because you really see where you might be dealing with extra strengths or extra weakness’. Not all of your chakras are going to be opened at once but by being able to know how to open each chakra, will always be beneficial weather it is tapping into your creativity, to emphasizing with someone you would not normally or even trying to reach a deeper stage of meditation.  You will also benefit from being happier, healthier and more in tune. When one of your chakras is out of sync, this may effect the organs and glands connected to it and causing neighboring chakras to be out of sync. Causing your body to be imbalanced .




Beings of light

Ultimately these wheels of energy help redirect energy to where it is needed, helping different organs work the way they should. If you take pure light and shine it through a prism it will break into 7 colors, Red , yellow, Orange, green, Blue, Indigo and Violet each color is the color of are chakras this alone is proof that we are all beings of light.

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Mindful Monique


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