TRY! Why does this word even exist? It is not what you think…


Successful Sporty Woman With Arms Up


I am going to try to get it done. At least I tried. I´m gonna try to lose weight. I am going to try to quit eating chocolate in the weekdays. I´m trying to yell less at my kids. I ´m gonna try to get up earlier in the mornings. I am trying to go earlier to bed. I´m gonna try to save money. I´m trying to be more positive.

Why does the word “try” exist? Think about it. How do you try to go to a meeting? Do you just lean into the door without going in to the meeting? How do you try to eat healthier? Do you chew the vegetables and then spit them out without swallowing? How do you try to eat? Either you eat or you don´t. How do you try to mow the lawn? Either you do it or you don´t. How do try to say “hi” to someone? Either you say it or you don´t.

Trying isn´t doing anything. What use is this word? To say “I will try” really means “I am not 100% committed in doing this” or “Deep down I really don´t want to do this.”


These three words are three different words, and our neurology activates three distinct signals. Yes and try is not the same. However, many people think that “try” is the same as “yes”. When we say “I am going to try” our brain will associate this with all the times you have tried but not followed through. Those time you followed through you didn´t try, you did it.

Yes, I will do it.
No, I will not do it.

No matter what choice you have to make, there are in reality only two options. Yes or no. Many people use “try” because that feels safer than to commit to a “yes”. Some find it uncomfortable to say “no”, so they rather say “I´ll try”.

When you are reading this now. Are you trying to read this? You decided to read it. If you dumped the word try from your vocabulary and really commit to make yes or no choices – how would your life be different in 6 months from now? One year from now? What would you appreciate the most about being a person who are done with trying, and are now committed – yes or no? You can try 😉


Walk in peace brothers and sisters.

From the Heart,



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Thank you for being here. I´m Kenneth, a Loving Soul, here to learn, teach and shine my Light. I am co-creator of PowerThoughts Meditation Club. My life purpose is to be of service and support in the Awakening process here on Mother Earth. I do so with Love and Enthusiasm, with Courage and Kindness, with Power and Integrity. I AM a 'consciousness expander and a heart-activator. We are here to WAKE UP and take full charge and responsibility for our lives, so that all Organic and Loving Lifeforms can co-create a world of UNITY, LOVE, PEACE, AND FREEDOM. I hope you´ll get something valuable out of the energy and information I share with you. From heart to heart...From Soul to Soul...

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