Trusting The Intelligence and Wisdom of Our Body – Activating Remembrance and Knowing

Dear Precious Soul 🙏🏼❤️ I came over an affirmation session (published a couple of years ago at PowerThoughts Meditation Club) as I was organizing my hard drive, and I just felt the need for creating a version with calm music. Access the video here. The inspiration came from a wave”frustration” over why so many of us don´t trust the vast wisdom and intelligence of our body, but instead, we trust external sources that give us limited, generalized, and often distorted information that is not in resonance with our body. Frustration is not high vibe energy to create from, and being aware of this I ground it in awareness and heart, and then it transforms to compassion, drive, passion, and motivation to be of service. I serve these words with the intention that it activates the remembrance and ancient wisdom from lifetimes and timelines, in you and I, when our consciousness have been so deeply connected and in sync with our bodies, aligned with its wisdom and intelligence. Our body is a temple. Our Soul´s temple. The only place we have to live for the rest of your physical life.

The Fog of Forgetfulness

The majority of humankind has for centuries, bought into this false matrix program (mind-control imprints triggering traumas and negative beliefs) that has led us into a fog of forgetfulness and ignorance about the Truth of who we are, how our body functions, and what it is capable of. Our physical body is of Light. It is a physical expression of Source Essence. When we disconnect from Source, we dim the Light. When we authentically Love and Appreciate our body — we connect with Source Light. Of course, physical health is a deeply intricate topic with so many factors involved. It is not just about how we take care of it physically, but also our belief system, our unhealed trauma, our karmic lessons — our daily thought patterns, emotion, and actions — our overall vibrational frequency, and Soul´s plan for this life — all have a saying in the matter.

Through my perception, I feel that the mainstream health narrative keeps us disempowered:

If you are sick you need medicine.
Ignore the root cause, take medicine instead.
If your family has a disease, there is a big chance you will get it too.
Your genes determine your health. (Genes turn themselves on and off depending on our vibration — see list of books at the bottom, from doctors in this field)
You can “try” to be healthy but a disease is lurking behind the corner if you don´ t do as we say.
Inject this virus and all these toxic chemicals into your bloodstream, and you’ll be safe.
Don’t worry, ‘big pharma’ got your back.

It’s not this black or white. I am not saying that all medicine is bad (medicine has helped millions/and unfortunately also killed millions — there are two sides of a coin.) I am merely pointing out the collective negative programming and manipulation going on. There is no doubt in my being that we have been intentionally programmed to believe that we are helpless victims to circumstances, because that serves the “elite”. This is the ‘false matrix’ trap. It is not in alignment with the Organic Living Light Matrix. When we believe in and trust the false narrative, we keep ourselves stuck in the illusion that our body and health is something that we personally have limited control over. Thus we give away our body, our sovereignty and power — consenting to follow advice that is not necessarily intended for our highest good, even if it is presented as such: “This is for your best. This is to keep you safe. This is for your health”. There can be many agendas at play behind the advice that comes from the mainstream media, governments, organisation, “experts, pharmaceutical companies, as well as some doctors and scientist. We all know this on some level, but many of us are deeply programmed to trust the “authority”. Even when the presenter of the advice is well-intended, the source of the advice itself can be distorted information that further distorts the minds and actions of the receiver. And other times, of course, both the advice and the person presenting it comes from a place of service and compassion. My health is and always will be my responsibility. It is my job to discern the information presented, and make informed decisions and actions from a place of alignment, not fear. Not always easy, but always possible.

Ignorance Allows Collective Manipulation to Continue

At times advice is given with the full knowing that it will harm the majority, and benefit a few. It is happening on a massive scale on our planet right now, and we are allowing it by acquiescing to the anti-life advice, anti-life solutions, and anti-human laws that are created to further control humanity. “They” are attacking our consciousness by triggering our unconscious fears. Luring us into their traps. Catching us with their “we got your back” hooks. And of course the good ol´ guilt-trip manipulation trick (successfully installed in our collective consciousness through organized religion): “if you don’t do as we say, you are not a good person, you are putting others in danger.” 

There is both dark and light in our reality, and our job is to know the difference. The darkness don´t want to be seen, so it will pretend to be Light. One of the deception templates “they” have installed in the collective consciousness, especially in the spiritual communities/new age movement: there is no darkness. “Just don´t focus on it, everything is all is love and light. Just send love” This is one of the reasons why even some “spiritually evolved” people are caught in the hooks of deception without knowing it. Ignoring our own shadows and the shadows of the collective is a Free Will choice, of course. No right or wrong. Believe me, I am ALL for focusing on Pure LOVE and working with the Organic LIGHT — and to focus our energy on positivity, and all that. And being conscious and aware of the negative forces and their strategies, empowers me to work much more effectively with the Love and the Light. If we refuse acknowledge that negative forces that have infiltrated almost every aspect of our worldy structures, we are keeping them alive. They only operate in the dark, but still in plain site if one chooses to open ones eyes and heart. As long as we refuse to look, learn about, and speak up about what is going on — we are giving them consent to continue their satanic/luceferian agendas. Hiding our heads in the sand doesn’t negate the surface. Light and dark co-exist. Blinders off! The time is now! We are in the ‘end-game’ now. It is time to step up and speak up, and hold in our vision and heart, the timeline for the Golden Age on Earth. Light Warriors Rise!

If you want to know more about the “dark agenda” from my perspective — I have written about it here:

Sharpen Your Truth Antennas

If we allowed ourselves to listen to external advice from a place of inner stillness, detachment, and discernment we would be able to check if the information presented is in alignment or out of alignment. And from that place, we can make choices involving our daily health care rituals, or other important decisions that will affect our future health. But unfortunately, most of us just go along with what “health experts” tell us, never asking questions. If fear is present when making a choice, that choice is probably out of alignment, not a wrong choice, but out of alignment — coming from a place of fear distorts our “truth-antennas”. For our truth antennas to work optimally — healing our traumas and our emotional wounds is a must. If not we are easily triggered by our emotional baggage, and thus react unconsciously instead of responding consciously to important health matters. Fear, guilt, shame, anger, sadness, etc. will override and distort our True Inner Guidance. Shadow-work is essential for everyone who wants to get CLEAR.


Responsibilty Empowers! Why Not Choose Empowerment?

In the past, I have noticed that when I share information about how physical health and energy are intertwined, how outside sources try to manipulate us with untruthful health information, and how as conscious adults we have responsibility for our health — some tend to react to it in a disempowering way; self-blame, anger, sadness, fear, etc. When I say “your health is ultimately your responsibility — I am not saying that it is your “fault” if you have a physical issue. I am saying that we are all as adults responsible for the choices we choose to make or choose not to make — claiming responsibility gives us options to make more conscious and empowering choices. It has nothing to do with who’s “fault” it is or isn´t. And I am not blaming “they” who are behind these negative agendas that disempower and blindfolds the human race. I am not a victim of any kind, and I refuse to go into that false-matrix trap. For me, it feels very important and empowering to know about “them” and the intent of their agendas. 

Children Are Old Beings

Some children are being born with a disease, or young children suffering from a potentially life-threatening disease; why does this happen?  This is a very delicate subject. I speak of it with the utmost respect, humility, and Love for all the souls that have experienced this. We don’t come into this life with a “clean slate”, we are old beings. We have lived several lifetimes. We carry with us energy, patterns, and traumas from other lifetimes into our current incarnation. We also copy our ancestral trauma. Collective trauma also plays a role. And then there is our Soul´s plan — sometimes on the Soul Level, we choose certain diseases as part of our path. Always for the purpose of healing, learning, and expansion — for all Souls involved. Everything and everyone is interconnected. Who knows the truth behind it all? I don’t. There are so many factors involved in co-creation. We are all pieces of the puzzle. We are living this physical life as spiritual beings.

Personally, I have cultivated a sense of acceptance that everything that happens for reasons that I don ́t need to understand. I don´t need to understand every detail of reality. Acceptance doesn’t mean that I don´t care about the suffering in our world — I care too much! It boils over! I have to transmute it into some form of creation here in the physical dimension, involving my purpose. That is why I am writing all of this. I HAVE TO contribute, I am committed to give my all to spread Love, Truth, Hope, and Expand Consciousness. That is why I am here. I don’t have time to dwell on all the “negativity” in the world — then I would drain myself,  and that is not an option when I can choose to co-create with you from a Higher Perspective. I stand my ground.

If you want and feel a need to know more about this particular subject about co-creating on Soul Level and planning life on Soul Level; I love the books Your Soul ́s Plan by Robert Schwartz, and Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon. Sometimes my sharings triggers cognitive dissonance (automatically going into defense mode/rejection mode, when the presented information is in strong polarity to the current belief system). I understand. Allow me to point out: I share all of this with humbleness and compassion, with respect for your and your path. I sow seeds. I give clues. I spread Light Codes. I don´t give medical advice. I am not saying that you should listen to me. And I can certainly not claim to know the full Truth or what is right for you.

Pleiadian Channeling on Physical Health

Allow me to share something with you here from a transmission done by Wendy Kennedy in the book: GREAT HUMAN POTENTIAL: Walking in One’s Own Light, where she channels a group of our galactic family, the Pleiadians. This is what they have to say about health and vibration:

“Your body is nothing more than a vibrational signature that is being pulsed out and reflected back in physical reality. Your body is created from an energetic template in your auric field. As you learn to consciously adjust your vibration, or to recalibrate, you can alter your physical state as well. Any adjustments made to the template will be reflected in the physical body. All health issues are always, 100% of the time, created at the energetic level. Even if you have ingested something toxic or find yourself in a toxic environment, this happens because you are in resonance at the vibrational level with this frequency. If you weren’t, one of two things would happen. You wouldn’t encounter the toxin, or it wouldn’t affect your body.”

Being in vibrational alignment with a toxin, virus, or disease — doesn´t mean that we consciously “want” it, or “chose” it. It simply means that our overall vibrational frequency, the energetic charge of our overall thoughts and emotions, is in resonance with the frequency of toxin, virus, or disease. This is empowering information for us humans — if we choose to perceive it as such. We have a lot of work to do for us to get to this level as a collective, where we understand how powerfully we can affect our own health and wellbeing. We are on our way. 

I AM Source Essence. I AM Sovereign. I AM Free

You are a vibrational being.
You can choose to Listen Within.
Remember your wisdom.
Lovingly command it into presence.
Your Soul is speaking.
Your higher heart is calling.
You are a Spark of Source Essence.
All else is noise.
Get clear.
Cancel, delete, and nullify the artificial false matrix codes from your body, mind, and spirit.
Reconnect with your Sovereign Power,
and the Organic God Source Living Light Codes.
Aligning with your blueprint for perfect health.
Declare it out loud:

“I AM Source Essence. I AM Sovereign. I AM Free”.


So…I was “just” going to publish this I AM Affirmation session…And off I went…
Do we dare to reclaim our full sovereign power and ownership over body, mind, and spirit — our health? We don´t need to, but we can if we want to.

You are much more than you think you are.
I see the Light in you.

With LoveLight Fire,

Kenneth 🔥💙🔥 



Co-creating on Soul Level and planning life on Soul Level:

Your Soul ́s Plan by Robert Schwartz

Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon.


Awakened doctors that serve from the heart:

The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body by David R. Hamilton, Ph.D.

The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention by Dawson Church, Ph.D.

Molecules of Emotion The Science Behind Mind Body Medicine

by Candace Pert, Ph.D.



Louise Hay´s book You Can Heal Your Life also came into my awareness just now. She wasn´t a doctor, but a metaphysical teacher. Her list of physical ailments and how they connect to thought patterns and specific beliefs is very intriguing. And I have been using it for 10 years working on myself and others. And from my personal experience; it is surprisingly accurate. It is one of the books that opened my mind and heart to a new level. 


Channeling books:

GREAT HUMAN POTENTIAL: Walking in One’s Own Light, by Tom Kenyon and Wendy Kennedy

The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame: Sacred Mysteries of Stargate Ascension, by Magenta Pixie


About the dark agendas that are playing out in the world:

The most Empowering and Pure information out there that I am aware of at the moment is the work of Lisa Renee at Her newsletters are beyond valuable! Check them out if you intend to become informed about the dark and the light.

Lisa Renee´s other site: is immensely valuable with a lot of tools and techniques. 

The knowledge she offers has a lot of terminologies that are not always easy to understand if you have never heard of the terms. Lisa also has a website that takes care of this for you:
This is the website I use the most for researching Truth about our origin, the negative agendas, awakening, and ascension. 


Good luck with researching, my fellow Light Warrior. 🙏🏼🔥

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Thank you for being here. I´m Kenneth, a Loving Soul, here to learn, teach and shine my Light. I am co-creator of PowerThoughts Meditation Club. My life purpose is to be of service and support in the Awakening process here on Mother Earth. I do so with Love and Enthusiasm, with Courage and Kindness, with Power and Integrity. I AM a 'consciousness expander and a heart-activator. We are here to WAKE UP and take full charge and responsibility for our lives, so that all Organic and Loving Lifeforms can co-create a world of UNITY, LOVE, PEACE, AND FREEDOM. I hope you´ll get something valuable out of the energy and information I share with you. From heart to heart...From Soul to Soul...

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