When You Change – You Change Frequency

The truth is composed of all truths. No one truth is any more real than any other truth. Each truth that you choose to believe in at any given moment still brings with it, automatically (because you are automatic creators) … will bring with it a self-perpetuating, self-sustaining system or logic, that will make it seem as if the truth you are living at any given moment is, for that moment, the only truth there is. By definition – for you to be able to experience in a focused way, any particular truth at any given moment – by definition, you must exclude 99% of all other methods so that you have the ability to focus on the one particular method that, for you at the moment, works.


When You Change You Change Frequency

When you discover, when you change, when you incorporate new ideas into the being that you are, and your beliefs and emotions and your thoughts change accordingly, and you discover “new truths”, as you say, this does not mean that the old truths are now wrong, and that your new truth is now more right. It simply means you’re different. You are on a different frequency, a different vibrational plane, and you now attract into your life the truth that represents who you are; the truth that works for you now. Each and every being, each and every truth, each and every path, each and every method, is a different way that the Infinite Creation has of expressing itself: through the creations (all of us) that it is. So all beings are simply all the different ways that All That Is has of expressing itself within the creation that it is; and there is no one way that is better than any other way. If there were only one way there would only be one person.

The Infinite Interaction With Creation

All of you look around – you are surrounded, infused, and interlinked with all the different ways that creation has of expressing its relationship to itself. You are all reflective mirrors reflecting for each other in love light, and unconditional trust and service, all the different aspects of the beings that you are. So that you can see in the many ways that people express themselves, all the different options of all the ways you might choose to express yourself; to explore, expand, and add to the understanding of yourself as a co-creator.Now this day, this so-called day of your time (again, no matter what day it is) it will not be the same day when we finish this interaction. You will not be the same people when we finish this interaction. Now, many of you may hear this phrase, “You will not be the same people” and you will think, “Oh yes, I will have changed”; but many of you may take this phrase very philosophically. “Well, yes, I may not act the same, I may have different ideas, different attitudes, different habits, different behavior patterns, but of course I will still be the same person.” No.


You Are Not The Same Person As You Were

A person is not literally who or what you are. A person, in a sense, a persona, a personality, is an aspect, an artificial construct. Natural in one sense, but it is a projection of an idea, an aspect of the total energy, non-physical, and conscious being that you are. So when you change the idea of what you are at any given moment, you literally become, literally become a different person. You may think you look the same. You may think you have many of the same traits that you used to, but you will no longer be the you, you used to be, before this interaction. You (the new you) may wish to create a degree of continuity so that you can still function in the Earth reality game for a while – to allow those around you to relate to you in semi-familiar ways, so you do not have to, in your terms, start from scratch; but you will not be the same person literally. You will have redefined yourself and any redefinition, any change in any of the variables of the energy equation you are, changes the whole equation in much the same way that if you have a cube, all sides being the same color, and you change one color on one side. Well, yes, you can say, “But I have only changed one color on one side. Only one side is different. The rest is the same.” But understand, as a total concept, the whole cube is a new cube

Every moment is a new moment. As you redefine it, you redefine the entire universe.

“Thank you Bashar, for sharing this information with the world. Read more on Bashar at www.bashar.org

For Your Expansion,




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I am Divine Light working through a physical body and so are you. Soul purpose: spread wisdom and Universal truth with the intention to help brothers and sister with the awakening of consciousness and raise vibration. To help and support in the transformation process, from darkness to light. I Love You. I Thank you.

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