7 Keys to a Happier Life


Do you want more personal power and happiness in your life?
Of course you do!

Here are 7 powerful keys to a happier life.


1. Think positive thoughts

Buddha once said; ”What we think, we become.” He was more correct than most think. Our thoughts become programmed into our subconscious mind.

If our thinking is optimistic and positive you will develop higher self-esteem, better self-confidence, more inner peace, more energy, joy, love, personal power, attract more positive people and experiences into your life. If your thinking is negative… You’ll get the opposite…. Stress, anxiety, depression,  etc.

Repeating positive thoughts or listening to positive affirmations are useful in  rewiring” your brain to focus on what is good in your life instead of being stuck in a loop of worry based on what is not so great. The more you do it, the more you program your subconscious mind and take control over your emotions. Your emotions determine the quality of your life. Think positive.

You can listen to affirmations and program your subconscious with positive thoughts HERE!



2. Change your mindset

You cannot expect to improve in any aspect of your life if you perpetuate the same mindset you have been clinging onto for years. Albert Einstein once said:

‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

If you constantly entertain the thought that you will fail, chances are that you will. And If you constantly entertain the thought of succeeding you will greatly improve the chances of succeeding. Where focus goes, energy flows. Want different results in your life? Changing your mindset will get you different results.

Reading personal development books is a great way to change your mindset.


3. Gratitude

If someone asks you to find everything with the color red in a room your brain is going to seek out only red things. Your brain will leave out what’s not red, not that you can’t see it, but your brain is focusing only on red stuff. It’s not until you tell it to look for blue, for example, you shift focus to blue stuff.

It works the same way with thoughts and feelings. If you focus on what you are grateful for your brain will seek and find the things to be grateful for. You will literally open yourself up to notice and find more things to be happy about.  You will even subconsciously create more positive circumstances for yourself and attract more joy.

If you focus on what’s not so great you will find, and even create more, of it. Seek and you shall what? ”Seek and you shall find” ”Ask and you shall receive.” Negative thinking will never get you a positive life!

Setting aside time each day to mentally list everything you have to be grateful for is a great way to program your subconscious  with  happiness and self-esteem. By focusing on gratitude you tell your brain what to look for and notice in life. Focusing on gratitude everyday, all day will eventually program your brain with a very positive, strong mental attitude. It will improve all aspects of your life. This is due to better mental health and a lack of negative emotions. Which results in you becoming more of the person you want to be.

Listen to gratitude affirmations and program your mind with gratitude HERE

4. Listen to music to change your state of mind

Music has a tempo-regulating effect on genes responsible for generating feelings of pleasure. So a quick way to feel good is to listen to your favorite music. Listening to enjoyable music improves your brain function and your mood quickly.


5. Say ‘stop’ to your inner critic

A good place to start with raising your self-esteem is by learning how to handle and to replace the voice of your own inner critic. We all have an inner critic and it can reduce  the quality of our lives if we do not take control over our own inner voice. Your thoughts generates your feelings. So criticizing yourself doesn’t exactly make you feel good. Once we start to take control of our inner voice and replace the negative with supporting positive thoughts instead, daily. Our life will definitely start to change for the better.

As the critic says something – in your mind – shout: STOP! and replace it  with something positive as fast as you can. Here are some examples of what to replace negative thoughts with: click here!



6. Make developing self-esteem one of your top priorities

Some people have high self-esteem naturally and others have lower self-esteem, but we must make an effort to work at developing it. This is something we can work on our whole lives. We can always get better,  in the same way we get better by practicing the guitar. Our self-esteem can improve quickly, Push yourself to grow everyday. A comfort zone is an ok place to be but nothing beautiful grows there.




7. Exercise

Countless studies claim exercising improves your brain function and uplifts your mood. If the president of the USA has time to workout, so do you…! If the pope has time to workout so do you 😉  I mean, if the busiest people in the world can find time for it. So can we. Wouldn’t you agree?

– Alexander Soares Varhaug



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Alexander Soares

I am an infinite being, incarnated here to assist planet Earth's spiritual ascension. I am LOVE. My name is Alexander. I am co-creator and team member of Powerthoughts meditation club, on the pursuit of raising the vibrations of this planet. I love to connect. To connect with people, myself, the Universe, nature, animals and YOU. My spiritual journey began when I decided not to live as a prisoner of negative thoughts and emotions, and turned my life around. I became more aware of my own energy and how I could raise it and use it to create and manifest. Through the teaching of spiritual masters and meditation I changed my thought and behavioral patterns, and started living a more positive and happy life. I'm grateful everyday. Now a few years later, I'm a certified EFT therapist and a NLP Master Coach and re-connective healer. Everyday I work on raising my own as well as the planets vibration. Life purpose: Observe, learn, love, grow, teach & create Infinite love.

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There are 2 comments

  1. Kathleen Suneja

    Hi there! Great article you have, I would also want to share my thoughts that Meditation indeed has positive effects not only in the body but also in the mind, a total holistic wellness that brings us to know our inner-self better. It gives us a peace of mind that helps us have a much better perception about our lives.
    Our advocacy is to promote the positive effects of meditation, yoga and inner wellness.
    Help us, visit our website at http://www.iamthechangeiseek.org and also http://www.goodreads.com/kathleensuneja
    Thank you and have a great day!

  2. Seville

    Hello Alexander
    I have just discovered your web site and I practising all that I can to over come my anxiety and negative thoughts.i can not wait to find my confidants but my self again .
    I just want to say thank you for your hard work and I wish you the best in what ever your doing :))


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