Are you absolutely 100% sure?

Just got a note from the Universe in my inbox:

“In all things Kenneth, always and forever, simply wish the best for all involved, without stating what you think that is. And then, whatever does happen, no matter what happens, know that it was.

All the best,
The Universe

Perception…One event can be perceived in as many varieties as there are humans on our planet. A piece of music can be defined as beautiful or ugly…Depending on the ears that listen. A movie can touch ones heart, while it bores the life of a another person. A taste can be delicious and disgusting…A smell…A word…It is all interpreted through our own filters of perception.

Is it really true?

Let´s take an example with one of our videos on youtube. Some say “this is scary. This sounds like hell. This sounds evil.” And others say “this is the best healing I have experienced. This is so calming. This is really beautiful and peaceful. So full of love.”


What is true?

Your own reality is true. It is not the music itself that is scary or calming. It is our thoughts and beliefs about it; the pictures and inner dialog we have with ourselves; that creates the scary or peaceful feelings. The challenge for us humans is to actually realise that we ourselves create this, and to know and respect that other people do not have the same reality. Maybe this is one of the greatest evidence of spiritual maturity? It fosters tolerance, patience, peace and collective love. My personal perception, is just MY perception. Not the ultimate truth. It´s just perception. When we come to that point in our evolution where we live this truth, which I am positive we will, how will our world look like? How are we treating each other differently? Have wars ended? The work we are doing now by healing, growing and learning, living a conscious spiritual and physical life – We are laying the foundation for the generations to come, our future reincarnations.


The Universe experiencing itself

Why would the Universe choose to experience itself through humans with the exact same perception filter? There would be no diversity. No contrast. We are unique. We add our flavour to life. The spice of life. That´s why we have free will.

What would happen if we use our perception to our advantage? Let me give you an example. When I started my journey in my line of work, which is helping people through therapy, coaching, speaking, training, etc. I was really uncomfortable standing in front of people. If someone were looking at their watch or mobile phone, or if they smiled “without a reason” – I immediately assumed that I said something “wrong” or that I was boring, or that the person did not want to be there. Was it true? Maybe, maybe not. For me it was true, because I reacted to it emotionally as it was. Heart pounding, mouth and throat drying up, sweating…I immediately started taking action towards a solution to this reaction. If I were going to do this successfully I could not afford to waste my energy on thoughts that did not support me. I started to train my brain to reframe situations like these.


One very effective tool for changing perception

Reframing means changing the frame in which we put a person/situation inside. If you have a picture hanging in the environment you are in right now, look at it. Imagine putting on a pink fur frame on that picture…Did that change your reaction to that picture? If you do it vividly, it changes your reaction/thoughts about it. Try on a red velvet frame… Adjust the size of the frame. Black leather frame with spikes… Rainbow frame. The different frames produces a different reaction. So how can we use this?

I started to reframe situations like people looking at their phone, watch, etc. Everytime a person looked at his/her mobile phone I thought “Now she is texting all her friends telling them what a fantastic speech this is.” If someone looks at his watch, I think to myself “that person is having such a great time and hopes it is not over yet. Or he can´t wait to get out of here so he can start utilising the tools he has learned” When someone smiles, I automatically think they are flirting with me 🙂 Man or woman, it does not matter, of you smile you are flirting with me. Lol! Makes me laugh and feel good everytime. These reframes keeps me in balance and in control of my emotional state. I have become a master reframer. I have trained my brain to reframe everything to my advantage. To see the upside in every “downside”. I still react “un-resourceful” to things, but instead of being in that state for hours like I did before – I am out of the funk within minutes.

What would happen if we became more curious and observing instead of interpreting? Observe without any need for a specific outcome. Be a fly on the wall. Learn. Grow. Expand. Don´t take life so seriously. Make it easier.

Test this frame on for a day or a 100. “Everything that I experience creates opportunities for learning and growth.” “Everything that happens is for the higher good”.

Much Love,
Kenneth Soares

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Thank you for being here. I´m Kenneth, a Loving Soul, here to learn, teach and shine my Light. I am co-creator of PowerThoughts Meditation Club. My life purpose is to be of service and support in the Awakening process here on Mother Earth. I do so with Love and Enthusiasm, with Courage and Kindness, with Power and Integrity. I AM a 'consciousness expander and a heart-activator. We are here to WAKE UP and take full charge and responsibility for our lives, so that all Organic and Loving Lifeforms can co-create a world of UNITY, LOVE, PEACE, AND FREEDOM. I hope you´ll get something valuable out of the energy and information I share with you. From heart to heart...From Soul to Soul...

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