How does trauma get trapped in our physical body and energy field?


As a therapist & lightworker, my intention is to go into the root cause of the problem clients are having. I am no fan of walking in circles around a problem. With love, compassion, respect and intuition I aim to go directly to where the problem started. For that purpose I usually regress people back in time to adolescence, childhood, birth, life in the womb or past lives and even to ancestral lives. Remember, energy travels through time and space and can manifest in the physical reality here and now. You don´t have to believe in any of this to release old baggage. If a person is open to let go of the problem, and the problem lies in a past life, then the subconscious mind will take them where they need to go.




The subconscious mind

Our subconscious mind is the deeeeeeeeep part of us that takes in 40 million bits of information every second, after a filtering process in the brain we only perceive 5 – 9 bits per second. These 5 – 9 bits per second is our perception of reality. In the subconscious lies all of our past experiences, like a computer logging every millisecond.When you look at the surface of the sea you only see what your eyes can perceive, while the sea can go thousands of meters in depth. You can´t see that, but it´s still there, it´s still a part of reality. Like the conscious mind (surface) and the subconscious mind (beneath surface). The conscious mind is the logical analytical part of us, while the subconscious mind is completely illogical.


Trauma gets saved in the subconscious

Through our lifetime we all experience trauma small or big.  Trauma can be defined as any event that causes an unusually high level of emotional stress and has a long lasting negative effect on a person. However, it is your subjective emotional experience of an event that determines whether it was traumatic, not the objective facts of the event itself. Any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope as you normally would can be traumatizing, regardless of whether physical harm was involved. When we experience traumatic events, either small or big, they can get “trapped” in our physical body and our energy field. The subconscious “saves” them to the hard drive.




Small trauma or big trauma?

Events that most people associate with the term trauma are child abuse, rape, domestic violence, war, near death accidents or natural disaster. These are what we call “Big T trauma”. Small T traumas are life events that are more common experiences and are upsetting, but on the surface are not thought of as traumatizing such as being teased in elementary school, always being picked last for a team, divorce, death of a beloved pet, losing a job, or losing friends by moving from school to school during childhood. The term small t trauma does not imply, however, that the emotional impact of such an event is insignificant compared to Big T traumas. It is not. These traumas have a strong influence on our life. Low self-esteem, anxiety, over eating and other addictions, phobias, feeling of not being good enough, unworthy, worrying a lot, etc. All these are a result of past trauma big or small.


The Freeze response

We often hear of the fight or flight response, when adrenalin over floods our system and we go into “I have to save my own life” mode. However there is another form for response that often gets triggered in a trauma experience – the freeze response. A freeze response is where a person totally freezes in when in danger. Millions of years ago when our ancestors had to watch out for dangerous mammals, to save themselves from death when they “met” a dangerous animal they had to “freeze”, stand completely still while their breathing almost stopped, so they would not attract attention.

Now our body instinctively can go into the freeze mode. What happens here is more than just the physiological aspect – a part of our consciousness splits of and gets trapped in our energy field or aura if you will. That part of our consciousness will then hide itself to protect us from feeling the pain from the trauma. It self a survival mechanism. However, our body always remembers our experiences even though we consciously forget most of them. That´s why in my personal opinion “talking” about traumatic events don´t release them. That´s the old school way of doing things. We need to feel the locked in emotions of the events to fully let them go from our body and energy field, so that the part of us that “froze” can safely let go.

Wild animals shake of their traumas automatically, which is something we humans have been thought not to do: “stop crying”. “Don´t be weak”. “Get over it”. When we stop the natural discharge of trauma, then it gets saved in our subconscious as a significant emotional event. In our brain the trauma gets etched into the amygdala (the most primitive part of the brain).  Here is a video of a wild polar bear discharging, you can see the rapid breathing and shaking (anxiety) going on for a minute or so, and then suddenly the bear takes a deep breath, both the breathing pattern and the heart beat drops to normal (discharge complete):


Our response-ability to let trauma go

EFT, hypnotherapy and regression therapy are in my experience really effective tools when working with the subconscious mind with the purpose of discharging the energy of the trauma. I see my work as extremely important, because by helping one person release this energy has a great impact on our collective consciousness/collective energy field by raising its frequency to a higher level and in that process aiding humanity in our spiritual ascension process. So dear reader…you are reading this for a reason…Please do the necessary work on yourself. Get help from a professional. I have two expert EFT / Hypnotherapist I can refer you too if you want to take full responsibility for your own wellbeing now. They do sessions on Skype and they are the absolute best ones out there! Let me know.


Here is a session that may aid you in cleansing your energy field:


For you inner peace and freedom….

– Kenneth Soares


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Thank you for being here. I´m Kenneth, a Loving Soul, here to learn, teach and shine my Light. I am co-creator of PowerThoughts Meditation Club. My life purpose is to be of service and support in the Awakening process here on Mother Earth. I do so with Love and Enthusiasm, with Courage and Kindness, with Power and Integrity. I AM a 'consciousness expander and a heart-activator. We are here to WAKE UP and take full charge and responsibility for our lives, so that all Organic and Loving Lifeforms can co-create a world of UNITY, LOVE, PEACE, AND FREEDOM. I hope you´ll get something valuable out of the energy and information I share with you. From heart to heart...From Soul to Soul...

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