Guided Meditations


All guided meditation are created from the heart and soul – by PowerThoughts Meditation Club ❤︎



You are a Soul having a human experience. Have you forgotten that? These POWER AFFIRMATIONS are designed to activate your CROWN CHAKRA and reconnect with your HIGHER BEEING. Remember who YOU are…Enjoy this Guided meditation with relaxing piano playing in the background.


Through the use of affirmations, individuals can effectively initiate a re-pattering process, whereby habitual emotional patterns underlying stress are replaced with new, healthier patterns that can establish increased emotional stability, mental acuity, and physiological efficient as a new familiar baseline or norm.*

*Increase personal coherence for the benefit of ourselves and the planet

*Help shift the planetary consciousness baseline from self-centeredness to wholeness care

*Increase connection and social harmony

*Empower our ability to navigate through global changes with less stress, anxiety and more ease

* Dissolve negative thinking, emotional patterns

*Develop more joy, happiness, motivation, clarity, inner peace and love in all aspects of our lives.

*Program the subconscious mind to notice more of the beauty in life that is all around us.

*Trains your mind to develop a strong mental attitude.

*The law of attraction.



Manifest MONEY NOW is a POWERFUL guided meditation for you who are SERIOUS about wanting to EFFORTLESSLY manifest MONEY NOW, by alligning your body, mind and soul. Make new nevrological patterns that supports money manifestation and abundance. This will also help you to let go of your old limiting energies and beliefs around money. Kenneth from PowerThoughts Meditation Club is a professional hypnotherapist and will guide you through this with hypnotic language combined with powerful affirmations that will supercharge your manifesting energies and make you a MAGNET to GENIUS IDEAS and OPPORTUNITIES that will manifest money NOW.

Are you ready to sow the seeds of wealth and abundance in your mind, body and spirit? Are you ready to harvest the results? Maybe you´re curious to now just how much positive results this meditation will give you when you listen to it over time.



This Guided Meditation for Third Eye – Pineal gland Awakening is designed to open up, decalcify and activate you third eye (brow chakra). Develop your intuition and activate your sight beyond ordinary perception (6th sense). It will give you greater control over your mind and emotions, and a deeper sense of intuition about the world around you. SEE the TRUTH with your third eye.



Manifest Abundance & Prosperity with POWER affirmations. This guided meditation will create new nevrological patterns in your brain and heart, and Supercharge your manifesting energies, making you a MAGNET to NEW IDEAS and OPPORTUNITIES that will help you Manifest Abundance & Prosperity.

