Enough is Enough! 

When we are in pain, it is only a sign that our energy is vibrating at a much lower vibration than of our Essence, our Soul…Love…And that distance, that misalignment creates pain. The greater the distance, the greater the pain. How wonderful is it that we have this signaling system? This inner compass that tells if we are on the right path or not. The better you feel, the more aligned you are with your True Self.


Challenges and learning

It takes responsibility, courage and focus to keep our vibration high, to be aligned. It does not come for free. Somedays may be challenging. Good! That opens the door for deeper learning and growth. What would happen if we all thought of problems as opportunities? What happens to a person´s vibration when she has that mindset? One thing is for sure – that person doesn’t keep themselves misaligned for long periods at a time. Individuals and everyday events can push one into the downward spiral of low vibration. Despite what happens outside, we control what happens on our inside. Some think they don´t, but they do. There is no escaping that fact. And those that refuse to step up to that great responsibility, they will live as victims to circumstances – and being a victim is not the life that you intended for yourself before you stepped into your physical body.

You have greatness within you. You have power and potential that you´ve never dreamed of. It is there, but it won´t come out automatically. You have to activate it. You have to work for it. You have to follow your heart.


Like Anthony Robbins says; “if you stay in your head, you are dead.”

People trust their logic instead of their heart. That´s why most problems appear. Our hearts knows our soul, our life purpose.  Our hearts are connected to the Universe, to our higher self and Infinite Intelligence. My heart is connected to your heart and every heart on Mother Earth. My logic is not connected to your logic. Our logic doesn’t have the capacity to know. If we have not done the necessary work on ourselves and reprogrammed our minds, our logic is colored and molded by paradigms and beliefs that are not even your own. Logic is great when it works in harmony with the heart. 

What is it that you really want? What is your heart yearning for? What excites you?


The Universe made you unique

The Universe made you unique. There has been none of you, and there will be none of you that are you. You are one of a kind. You are special. And the Universe has given you special gifts. Unfortunately, most of us go through life complaining and moaning instead of doing what it takes and work towards awakening our potential, talents and gifts and therefore they never discover their greatness. Most people are waiting for the perfect day, person or event to come. Look in the mirror. That is your savior. Waiting attracts more waiting, and the days slips away like sand between your fingers. 

Complaining creates frustration, bitterness, anger, depression and will keep you stuck in that low vibration. Like attract like. That is law. When has complaining ever lifted you? The only time it may have lifted someone is if they got so sick and tired of listening to themselves complain that they refused to continue with that un-resourceful behavior and started to look for solutions and things to be grateful for instead. 

Your circumstances do not matter. Only your state of being matters. – Bashar


Our state of being manifests into physical form

Yes, our state of being matters into physical form. The vibration we are emitting becomes physical in some shape or form. Some people have endured tragedy and unimaginable pain. And it is understandable that it can be hard to carry that backpack full of heavy rocks every day. Some give up. “I can´t do that, because of my past”, and they live as helpless victims for the rest of their lives. Just surviving. Just breathing, but not being alive. Ignoring that behind all circumstances there is the duality. Darkness and light…Up and down…There is a gift, a positive side to everything. Our logical mind has a hard time recognizing it. Our Heart knows. Our Higher Self knows. If we look for it, we will find it. If I intend and decide to find it, I will. Ask yourself: 

“What is it that this “problem” is trying to tell me? What is it that the Universe is trying to teach me? How can I use this to my advantage if I wanted to?”

Or ask yourself the old Soul question “what would Love do/say”? 


It is possible!

What about those Souls who rise from the ashes and end up living an extraordinary physical and spiritual life despite the fact that they lived through hell. Why? What separates the two? Their mindset. And mindset is a choice. We can all choose to have a negative or positive mindset. There are not more talented, lucky or smart. Mindset is what separated them. We have free will to choose. Is it easy? Hell no! But it is possible! It is possible that you can live your dreams. It is possible that you can become highly skilled in directing and controlling your focus. Where focus goes energy flows.

You have to train yourself. You have to train your brain. Train your brain so that it works in harmony with your Heart. When we were babies learning to walk, how many times did you fall? It does not matter! What matter is that you got up again and again until you could do it! And now here you are. Walking without thinking of it. We have to repeat a behavior, thought, etc. many times before it becomes automatic. Your subconscious mind needs repetition over a period before it locks the neurological signals. We have to train our brain. Invest in ourselves.  You are that important! You are reading this for a reason. Do you think it is a coincidence that you are reading this? Do this with me now; place your hands on your heart…Take a nice deep breath in…Breathe out and relax….Ask your Heart; what is the purpose of me reading these words right now? Listen within….


Enough is enough!


If you are not happy with your life – how long will you allow that to continue before you decide, not try, but decide and commit to change yourself? Three days? One week? A couple of months? Or will you hold yourself back for 5 more years before enough is enough? 20 years? The day your physical body dies?

And let´s say you decide to drag yourself through the mud for five more years, and finally, you let go of the old and move on. Was it worth it? Was it worth to wait those five years? What are you missing out on in life because a part of you is refusing to let go of old problems? What will you gain by letting go now? Let go of the need to hold on to the past, and the need to control everything.

“I want to, but I don´t know how….” Yes, you do. We live in a time space reality where information is almost endless. The healing you want is waiting for you. If you truly want it and decide that you want to live your highest purpose, your Soul Mission – Intend for it to happen! And you need to be open to the signs and opportunities that will come your way, and you have to take action on them. Of course, you don´t “have to” but if you don´t nothing will happen. You don´t need to know all the how´s. Just intend it to manifest for the purpose of reconnecting with you Soul Purpose. 


Take the leap and the net will appear

When you take a leap of faith, you will start to attract people and situations that will help you on your journey. It is safe to take the step now to shift into the reality that you want to live. It will may time, courage and perseverance. But you have all that within you. Will life be free from challenges? Of course not. Challenges make us grow when we decide to extract the higher learning from them like we are intended to do. Challenges are there to show us sides of ourselves that we need to see. But if I do not learn from them, they will reappear in other ways until I have learned what my higher self-wants me to learn.

You have special powers that the Universe has bestowed upon you. You are much more than you think you are. You are a beautiful Soul in a human body. You are here to shine your unique light. Your light will light up the darkness so that others can see as well. You are here now reading this for a reason. And You know it!



Personal after thoughts

I did not consciously intend to write the words above. I just wanted to share a few words about raising vibration, and “coincidently”, all this came out…I asked my heart why this happened? It answered me “because all this needs to come out. People need this…Their heart yearns for it…You have the energy, insight, and ability to share it.” 

I can feel the energy…Tearing up…

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to share this with you. I am here with you on your journey. If you read this now, the words you have read is already absorbed and started doing its work in the way that is for the highest good for you and every Soul involved. You know, if and plan changes its course with 3 degrees, the change in course may not show itself right away, but the more distance the plain puts behind it….

We want to Thank You for being here with us. Know that we are honored to have the opportunity to inspire, help and uplift. To raise awareness. To expand and awaken consciousness. To Love. So that we can all grow together and create a better world for all life.

You are appreciated. You are valuable. You deserve all good in life.


From the Heart,

Kenneth Soares

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Thank you for being here. I´m Kenneth, a Loving Soul, here to learn, teach and shine my Light. I am co-creator of PowerThoughts Meditation Club. My life purpose is to be of service and support in the Awakening process here on Mother Earth. I do so with Love and Enthusiasm, with Courage and Kindness, with Power and Integrity. I AM a 'consciousness expander and a heart-activator. We are here to WAKE UP and take full charge and responsibility for our lives, so that all Organic and Loving Lifeforms can co-create a world of UNITY, LOVE, PEACE, AND FREEDOM. I hope you´ll get something valuable out of the energy and information I share with you. From heart to heart...From Soul to Soul...

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