Affirmations: Connect to Source Energy

For me it is a totally natural thing; that we are connected with each other and the Universe, that´s just how it is. I am a Soul in a human body. I am eternal consciousness. For me this is truth. To write affirmations that focus on our Universal connection comes easy, and they always help me reconnect. Here in the physical reality things can get “stormy” and it can be easy to get sucked into the storm. One of my main learnings in this life is the practice of detachment. Put it in another way; tending to my vibration is my highest priority. The vibration of my surroundings and other people is not my responsibility. I can only change myself. That is the only thing I can control.

It almost sounds like I do not care. Believe me – I CARE. That is why I detach. I care so much that I am not going to feed “negative” energy on purpose. No way. When my mom´s shoulder hurts and she complains about it, I am not going to allow myself to sucked into that vibration, because I care about my mother so much. I do not want to help her keep that pain in her shoulders by attaching to the problem. I detach from drama as fast as I catch myself being lured by it. Drama lures you in. Suddenly you catch yourself being right in the middle of it. Shit! U-turn! Reconnect with source energy – FAST! My vibration = my reality. It is really helpful to have some affirmations that help me find that connection, without much effort. I am sharing them here in writing (not all in order).


Tips For Raising Vibration

Put this video on whenever you need to detach and raise your vibration. The more you listen the more these seeds will sprout and blossom in your subconscious mind. TIP: Listen once a day for 31 days. Then once a week after that for as long as you feel it is needed. TIP 2: Pick one or two of these affirmations that you want to be and feel true for you. The ones that you think will be most empowering in your life right now. Write them three times each morning and say them out loud three times in the evening while looking into the mirror.


List of “Eternal Being” Affirmations

I proclaim my power

I am a soul in human body

I am awakening to higher truths

I am allowing Universal intelligence to flow through me

I am vibrating at the frequency of the All Knowing Universe

I am expanding consciousness

I am showering in Universal Light

I am healing

I am a healer

I am higher perspective and deeper wisdom

I am unlocking my wisdom within

I am trust

I am faith

I am all-knowing

I am all that is

I am the Universe and the Universe is everything

I amLove

I am a part of something big and magical

I am transforming old energy to new energy

I am aligning with my true self

I am Universal Light & Love

I am living in my temple, my body, this is the best body I can have for my learning experience here on earth

I proclaim my power

I am co-creating every experience

I am vibrating energy on two feet

I am Patience

I am tolerance

I am excitement

I am compassion

I am freedom

I am passion

I am creativity

I am peace

I am gratitude

I am an eternal being

I am divinity reincarnated in flesh

I am stepping into my greatness

I am shining my beautiful light


Brothers and Sister – Take good care of yourself. You are important to this planet.

From the Heart,


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Thank you for being here. I´m Kenneth, a Loving Soul, here to learn, teach and shine my Light. I am co-creator of PowerThoughts Meditation Club. My life purpose is to be of service and support in the Awakening process here on Mother Earth. I do so with Love and Enthusiasm, with Courage and Kindness, with Power and Integrity. I AM a 'consciousness expander and a heart-activator. We are here to WAKE UP and take full charge and responsibility for our lives, so that all Organic and Loving Lifeforms can co-create a world of UNITY, LOVE, PEACE, AND FREEDOM. I hope you´ll get something valuable out of the energy and information I share with you. From heart to heart...From Soul to Soul...

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